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Frequently Requested Lists

Note: Per RCW 42.56.070(8), records received through the Public Records Act may not be used for commercial purposes. 

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General Cannabis Lists
Cannabis Enforcement and Education Data 

These datasets are updated approximately two weeks after the end of the previous month (example: August data would be posted in mid-September).


General Liquor Lists
  • Off Premises Licensees who sell alcohol products that will not be consumed on the premises. Examples: grocery store, deli mart, liquor store, etc. Businesses will be listed more than once, if they have multiple pending or active licenses. A licensee can have multiple privileges. If a privilege is pending approval the Privilege - date approved column will be "0."  There are two types of pending licenses:
    • Pending (Issued) – means the business currently holds one type of license, and has applied for an additional license, which is pending.
    • Pending (Non-Issued) – means the business does not currently hold any liquor licenses, and has applied for a new license, which is pending.
  • On Premises Licensees who sell alcohol that will be consumed on the premises. Examples: tavern, bar, nightclub, etc.

Vapor and Tobacco

Vapor and Tobacco Licensees

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