Tobacco and Vapor Resources
Tobacco and Vapor License Information
Signs and Forms
Retailer Resources
- Letter to Tobacco and/or Vapor Product Retailer: January 1, 2020 Updates
Effective January 1, 2020, the legal minimum age of sale for tobacco and vapor products increases to 21 years of age. This applies to all tobacco and vapor products, whether or not they contain nicotine. - Clarification Letter - Selling Flavored Tobacco Products
- Tobacco and Vapor Product sales Fact sheet
- Cigarette Certification of Enrollment and list of Certified Tobacco Manufacturer
- Vapor Products and the Law FAQ
- Do You Sell Tobacco or Vapor Products - for owners/managers
- Don't Sell Tobacco or Vapor Products to Youth - for clerks
- Summary of Washington State and Federal Vapor Product Regulations (English only)