image of stacked barrels in an underground hallway lined with lights on the curved stone ceiling

Beer and Wine Tax Reporting Guide

How to Create an Online Account
Click here for step-by-step help in creating an online account.

How to File Online Tax Reports
Click here to learn how to file and submit a report through the online Epay site.  

Beer and Wine Tax Reporting Guide

Electronic Reports

E-filed reports must be submitted electronically by 10:00 PM on the day that report is due.  E-filers must finish the payment transaction and receive a confirmation number in order for your LCB report submission to be complete.  We recommend submitting electronically at least one day prior to the due date to ensure completion of the e-payment process is submitted timely, should you need assistance.

Mailed Reports

Mailed reports must be postmarked on or before the due date to be considered on time.  To ensure a postmark date, you must go into the post office and make sure they date stamp the envelope. Paper forms must be submitted by mail with payment (if applicable) to:

Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board
Financial Division/Tax and Fee Unit
PO Box 3724
Seattle WA  98124-3724

Note: If there is no payment due, the report may be emailed to

A monthly penalty will be assessed on any tax payments postmarked after the due date. When the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, the filing must be postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service no later than the next postal business day.

Absent a postmark, the date received at the LCB, or designee, will be used to determine if penalties are to be assessed.

Filing Due Dates
Monthly 2025 Filing Due Dates
Reporting Period
Due Date
2% Penalty Begins

Thursday 02/20/25

Friday 02/21/25


Thursday 03/20/25

Friday 03/21/25


Monday 04/21/25

Tuesday 04/22/25


Tuesday 05/20/25

Wednesday 05/21/25


Friday 06/20/25

Saturday 06/21/25


Monday 07/21/25

Tuesday 07/22/25


Wednesday 08/20/25

Thursday 08/21/25


Monday 09/22/25

Tuesday 09/23/25


Monday 10/20/25

Tuesday 10/21/25


Thursday 11/20/25

Friday 11/21/25


Monday 12/22/25

Tuesday 12/23/25


Tuesday 01/20/26

Wednesday 01/21/26

Annual Filing 2025 Due Date
Reporting Period
Due Date
2% Penalty Begins

Tuesday 01/20/26

Wednesday 01/21/26

Calendar Reminders

If you would like a calendar reminder for submitting monthly or annual reports, please open the corresponding attachment below.


Amending a Previously Filed Report

If you find you have reported incorrectly, you must file a correction report for each reporting period that needs correction.

  • How to File a Beer and Wine Correction Report
  • Beer and Wine Taxes: (360) 664-1721, Option 1, or email
  • The LCB will only honor credits from correction reports dating back two calendar years
  • Our review does not prevent the WSLCB from assessing tax in the future. In addition, the agency reserves the right to review your complete business accounting records through its regular audit process. You are required to keep your records on the licensed premises for a three-year period and they must be made available for inspection if requested by an employee of the WSLCB.

To file an amended return:

  1. Submit a report for each reporting period that needs correction.
  2. In the top right-hand corner of the form, check revised/correction report box and indicate the reporting period of correction.
  3. Report only the changes to be made to your original filing. Please include a brief explanation of your changes when you submit your report(s).
  4. If additional taxes are due, the amount may be remitted along with the correction report, including any applicable late penalties to:
    • Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board
      Financial Division/Tax and Fee Unit
      PO Box 3724
      Seattle WA  98124-3724
  5. If taxes have been overpaid or there is no liability, you may submit via email to
  6. If credit is due, you may apply the credit to future tax report(s).You may request a refund for credits greater than $10.
Record Keeping

All records (paper and electronic) must be kept for a period of three years. You may have retention requirements for other Washington agencies or to meet federal requirements. You may be required to provide paper copies during an audit.