Cannabis Licensing
Important Information regarding applicants who may apply to be Naturalized United States Citizens
Immigration status is not requested or required for a cannabis license. However, cannabis remains a federally illegal controlled substance. Applying for a license and/or working in the Washington State cannabis industry may have negative federal immigration consequences.
If your business will be involved with the production, processing, or sale of cannabis then you need a cannabis license. The LCB is currently not accepting new license applications for cannabis retailers, producers or processors except under the Social Equity Program. For more information, please visit LCB's Social Equity page.
Cannabis Applications
Applications for cannabis changes and new transportation licenses should be submitted at least 90 days before the completion date. Before applying, you will need to get all required permit(s) from your local city or county jurisdiction. Not having your permit(s) or applying too far in advance may cause the withdrawal of your application.
What to Expect
- When we get your application, we will send you a welcome email with the contact information of a licensing specialist.
- The licensing specialist will contact you within two business days to schedule a phone interview.
- Before the phone interview, the licensing specialist will send you an email with information that may be discussed during the call.
- As a reminder, please check your email often (including both junk and/or spam folders) for email from your licensing specialist.
Fee and Description Sheets
More information on cannabis fees and descriptions is available on the Department of Revenue's Cannabis Web Page.