Washington Wineries are required to submit form LIQ-774/777 WA Domestic Wine Summary Tax Report to the Board.
Wineries with total taxable sales in Washington per calendar year in excess of 6,000 gallons must submit their report each month including months with no activity. The report is due on the 20th day of the month following the month being reported*.
Wineries with total taxable sales in Washington per calendar year of 6,000 gallons or less may file annually upon receiving approval from the Board.
Annual reports are due on January 20th of the year following the year being reported*.
- Questions and Answers regarding annual filing for wineries
- A helpful guide to annual filing
- LIQ-774/777 WA Domestic Wine Summary Tax Report
- includes: LIQ 777 Report of Sales To Washington Wine Distributors By Domestic Winery and Instructions
Note: Washington Wineries returning wine of their own production to into Washington State must also submit form LIQ-774/777 WA Domestic Wine Summary Tax Report. The report is due on the 20th day of the month following the month being reported*.
- LIQ-021 Report of Exported Wine Returned to Washington
- Including Instructions
More Information:
Links Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) Information
*All reports must be postmarked or submitted electronically by 10:00 PM on the day it is due in order to be considered received. E-filers must finish the payment transaction and receive a confirmation number in order for your WSLCB report submission to be complete. We recommend submitting electronically at least one day prior to the due date to ensure completion of the e-payment process. Penalties will accrue at 2% per month on all unpaid balances.