Non-Retail Enforcement
Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesalers (MIW)
Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) Non-Retail officers provide education to manufacturers, importers and wholesalers (MIW) and enforce state liquor laws and regulations. Industry Members include breweries, wineries and distilleries, both in and out-of-state, importers, warehouses, distributors and International Common Carriers (ICC).
MIW officers provide training to new licensees to create voluntary compliance with production, labeling and tax reporting requirements as well as preventing sales to minors and apparently intoxicated persons. Officers also investigate complaints regarding undue influence between industry members and retailers, advertising and pricing issues, and assist retail enforcement with special occasion licensed functions and other public safety issues. MIW officers provide education and training to retail licensees, trade organizations, other agencies and the public.
Our goal is to inform and engage licensees to create voluntary compliance, create a level playing field for all licensees, large and small, and promote public safety and trust through fair and consistent enforcement.
Cannabis Enforcement
With the passage of Initiative 502 and SB 5052/HB 2136, legalizing cannabis, an enforcement team of 18 Liquor and Cannabis Enforcement officers with support staff was established to regulate this new industry. The unit's focus has been the inspection of license applicants, education of new producers and processor, traceability system compliance, and ensuring licensed operations are conducted by the true party of interest.