Breadcrumb Home Press Releases 2019 Press Releases DatePress Release TitleDec.31LCB suspends liquor license of Koko’s Bartini in KennewickDec. 24Illegal Cannabis sales and other license violations prompt Liquor and Cannabis Board to issue emergency license suspension for The Smoke Shop located in White CenterDec. 24Emergency License Suspension Issued for Herban Legends in SeattleDec.18Liquor and Cannabis Board suspends licenses for three vapor product retailers – first since flavor banOct. 21WSLCB Investigation Finds Illegal Cannabis Activity at Olympia’s “Northwest Alternative Care”Oct. 9Sale of Flavored Vapor Products is Prohibited – Effective Oct. 10, 2019Aug 27LCB Considers 2020 Legislation to Help Smallest Growers, Patients and Protected ClassesAug. 5WSLCB Investigation Finds Illegal Cannabis Sales at White Center OutletJuly 11Emergency License Suspension Issued for Cannabis Producer Processor, The Evans Group, LLCJune 19Emergency License Suspension Issued for Johnny’s Bar & Grill, Puyallup