Cannabis License Types
LCB is currently not accepting new license applications for cannabis retailers, producers or processors except under the Social Equity Program.
For more information, please visit our Social Equity page.
Applications and forms to apply for available cannabis licenses are found on our Forms and Applications page here.
View our Frequently Asked Questions page for further information.
Types of Cannabis Licenses
Cannabis Research
A cannabis research endorsement allows the licensee to produce, process, and possess cannabis for the limited research purposes provided in RCW 69.50.372.
- The application is fee $250.
- The application must be submitted via Business Licensing Services (BLS). Information for this license type can be found on their website.
- You must submit a copy of the project approval from the designated scientific reviewer. If the contracted reviewer doesn’t approve the proposed research, the application will be withdrawn with no refund.
- Labs that are certified to perform quality assurance testing on cannabis and cannabis products by LCB may apply for a research license.
- A scientific reviewer must assess the applicant’s research project and determine if it meets requirements.
- Research activities must occur at a facility that is separate from another cannabis license with the exception of actively licensed cannabis producers and processors. In those instances, producers must separate research activities with full walls and a door. Processors may possess cannabis for research purposes at the actively licensed business premises. A shared entrance and exit is allowed for both licensed producers and processors.
Related Laws and Rules
- RCW 28B.20.502
- RCW 69.50.369
- RCW 69.50.372
- WAC 314.55.073
Cannabis Transportation
A cannabis transporter license allows the licensee to transport or deliver cannabis products between licensed cannabis businesses within Washington State.
- The application is fee $250.
- The application must be submitted via Business Licensing Services (BLS). Information for this license type can be found on their website.
- Must be 1,000 feet from restricted entities.
- Cannot be located inside of another business (including cannabis) or a residence.
- Must submit a copy of their approved common carrier permit issued by Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC). All vehicles and trailers must also be permitted by UTC as common carriers.
- Must provide proof of commercial general liability and product liability insurance.
- Must provide proof of right to the vehicle used for transporting (title, registration, lease, etc.).
- A final inspection and briefing are required.
- A Cannabis Alteration Request (available on our Forms and Applications page) must be submitted to add a vehicle.
- Any vehicle transporting cannabis or cannabis products must travel directly from the shipping licensee to the receiving licensee and must not make any unnecessary stops in between, except to other facilities receiving product, and must do so within 48 hours.
Changes regarding your Transportation business:
- Ownership changes will require either an Assumption Application or Change in Governing Persons, both of which are available through Business Licensing Services (BLS). More information can be found on their website.
- Moving your business will require a Change of Location application. The application must be submitted to Business Licensing Services (BLS). Information for this license type can be found on their website.
- Investing additional funds? Must submit a Cannabis Additional Funding application to LCB, which can be found on the Forms and Applications page.
Related Laws and Rules
- RCW 69.50.382
- RCW 69.50.385
- WAC 314.55.085
- WAC 314.55.310
Cannabis Retailer License
LCB is currently not accepting new license applications for cannabis retailers except under the Social Equity Program.
For more information, please visit our Social Equity page.
A cannabis retailer license allows the licensee to sell only useable cannabis products, cannabis paraphernalia and lockable boxes to store cannabis in retail stores to people 21 years of age and older, except as allowed for persons under 21 years old consistent with Washington laws and rules. There are currently no cannabis retailer licenses available.
Related Laws and Rules
- RCW 69.50.325
- RCW 69.50.328
- RCW 69.50.354
- RCW 69.50.357
- RCW 69.50.360
- RCW 69.50.369
- RCW 69.50.375
- RCW 69.50.378
- RCW 69.50.380
- RCW 69.50.390
- WAC 314.55.018
- WAC 314.55.055
- WAC 314.55.079
- WAC 314.55.080
- WAC 314.55.083
- WAC 314.55.147
- WAC 314.55.150
Cannabis Producer/Processor
LCB is currently not accepting new license applications for cannabis producers or processors except under the Social Equity Program.
For more information, please visit our Social Equity page.
Cannabis Producer Tiers 1 - 3
The cannabis producer license allows the licensee to produce, harvest, trim, dry, cure, and package cannabis into lots for sale at wholesale to cannabis processor licensees and to other cannabis producer licensees. They may also produce and sell:
- Cannabis plants, seed, and plant tissue culture to other cannabis producer licensees;
- Immature cannabis plants or clones and cannabis seeds to members of a registered cooperative, qualifying patients, or designated providers;
- Immature cannabis plants or clones and cannabis seeds to a licensed cannabis researcher.
Related Laws and Rules
- RCW 69.50.325
- RCW 69.50.326
- RCW 69.50.328
- RCW 69.50.366
- RCW 69.50.369
- RCW 69.50.380
- WAC 314-55-075
- WAC 314-55-083
- WAC 314.55.084
- WAC 314.55.105
Cannabis Processor
The cannabis processor license allows the licensee to process, dry, cure, package, and label usable cannabis, cannabis concentrates, and cannabis-infused products for sale at wholesale to cannabis processors and cannabis retailers.
Related Laws and Rules
- RCW 69.50.325
- RCW 69.50.326
- RCW 69.50.328
- RCW 69.50.363
- RCW 69.50.369
- RCW 69.50.380
- WAC 314.55.018
- WAC 314.55.077
- WAC 314.55.083
- WAC 314.55.104
- WAC 314.55.105