How to File Online Tax Reports
Learn how to file and submit a report through the online Epay site. Follow the below link step-by-step to set up your account and guide you through the entire Epay process. At the end, you will have three options to submit your completed form.
Step 1
Log in to your online account

Step 2
Select “File Reports” and click the blue link for the month you want to file

Step 3
File your report with the appropriate activity

Step 4
Click “Save Pending” when you are finished. This will bring you back to the File Reports tab.

Step 5
You will now have a Pending Reports section. Select “Submit Pending Report(s)”

Step 6
You will have to check the box highlighted in the image.

Then select one of three options:
- Pay by Mail:
You will mail in a check for payment due. This will leave your report in pending status and we will be able to apply payment when it is received
- Epay:
This will take you to the bank site where you can pay online. Please be ready to complete the process before clicking the button. Once you have started the process it locks the report, if you need to restart contact the Beer Wine Tax Desk and they can reset the report.
Note: Please have your account information available before clicking the Epay button, sessions time out at bank after 20 minutes.
- File Report:
This is for zero activity or zero balance reports. It will immediately move the report to completed status.
Step 7
Once your report is completed it will be viewable in the completed section
Note: A report submitted through Epay will show here too but will not be completed until the bank has processed payment.