
WSLCB enforcement officers are available to help liquor licensees understand state liquor and tobacco laws.

Officers provide licensees with written, in-person and online instruction on how to comply with laws, proper signage, and assistance developing security plans and other site-specific strategies.


Educational resources

"Responsible Alcohol and Tobacco Sales" classes
These classes are led by WSLCB enforcement officers and are offered around the state.

"Last Call" Video
This video teaches servers and supervisors about making responsible alcohol sales.

Responsible Liquor/Tobacco Sales Video
This video teaches viewers about making responsible liquor and tobacco sales.

MAST Class Schedules
Find a Mandatory Alcohol Server Training (MAST) class in your area. A MAST permit is required by law for employees who serve alcohol or supervisor the sale of alcohol for on-premises consumption.

"Responsible Alcohol Sales: A Guide For Washington's Retail Stores"
This guide can be used to train employees about making responsible alcohol sales. To order copies, send us an e-mail.

Private Club Handbook

This guide can be used to train employees and members of Private Clubs on pertinent laws and rules specific to the Private Club liquor license.