Enforcement Education
Enforcement Education Program
The Enforcement and Education Division has an Education Program dedicated to providing educational resources to licensees and other stakeholders. If you need information on topics like advertising, compliance, or best practices for your licensed business, this team is a great place to start.
Alcohol Licensee Education
Educational information and materials for alcohol licensees and their employees. Information covers regulatory compliance.
Cannabis Licensee Education
Education materials for cannabis licensees including Product Testing Requirements, Measuring Plant Canopy, Retailer Safety Handout, Quality Control Testing and Sell Off Guide.
Tobacco Licensee Education
Educational information and materials for tobacco licensees and their employees. Information covers regulatory compliance.
Class Schedule for "Responsible Alcohol and Tobacco Sales"
LCB Enforcement officers regularly conduct "Responsible Alcohol and Tobacco Sales" classes at locations across the state.
Public Safety Laws
Public safety violations are considered the most serious as they present a direct threat to public safety. Public safety liquor laws fall into the following categories: violations involving minors; the sale or service of alcohol to apparently intoxicated persons; conduct violations; lewd conduct; and refusing to allow inspection and/or obstructing a law enforcement officer from performing their official duties.
Selling Responsibly
Selling alcohol responsibly should be the top priority for liquor-licensed businesses. Owners, managers and employees all have a role in keeping alcohol out of the hands of minors and those who are apparently intoxicated.
FDA Compliance
The Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) Enforcement and Education Division assists the U.S. Food and Drug Administration with compliance check inspections of tobacco retail establishments in Washington State to ensure compliance with federal tobacco laws and regulations.