Cannabis Examiners and Traceability Resources

Welcome to Washington State’s hub for cannabis traceability data and resources. Here you will find information on the current Cannabis Examiner team and the current state-designated system used for collecting cannabis traceability data. We hope that you find these resources informing and helpful for your day-to-day operations.

What Can the Examiners Do For You?

  • Licensee
    If you are a cannabis licensee in Washington state, you can contact us to receive a copy of your reported data, assistance with understanding this data and correcting errors. You can also request a traceability consultation to have an Examiner meet you at your licensed location and discuss current traceability requirements and impacts.
  • Integrator
    If you are an integrator, you can contact us to receive assistance with understanding reporting requirements to the state system, request data on your associated licensees for verification of records uploaded, and request a phone consultation regarding state traceability requirements.
  • General Public
    The public can contact us to ask questions regarding traceability requirements for cannabis and to receive generalized knowledge on the cannabis industry. These might include: lab test failures, market trends of product types, and similar generalized industry data.
  • State Agencies
    Other Washington State agencies can contact us to request data on the industry for their own purposes or contact us for a consultation on cannabis traceability. Data can include collecting reported sales and inventory to the state system. 




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