Floor Plan Requirements
You may want to submit floor plans as soon as possible, before any construction or remodeling, to confirm if the floor plan will be a compliant design/layout for the proposed operations. Alterations have the same floorplan requirements as listed. Unless indicated otherwise, plans may be hand-drawn, if all requirements are met.
For information on Photo Requirements for Floor Plans click here
All floor plan sketches need to include the following:
All floor plan sketches need to include the following:
- North arrow indicator (true north)
- Location of doors, windows, walls, etc. Please note; the edge of pages/documents may not be used the indicate the walls in lieu of drawing the walls of your location
- All entrances and exits, including descriptions of where they enter from (common area, neighboring business, living quarters, street name, alley, parking lot, etc.)
- All areas labeled based on their use (dining, lounge, gaming, kitchen or food prep area, restrooms, dance floor, etc.)
- Furniture locations and types (tables, chairs, booths, bar, service bar, pool table, etc.)
- Location of alcohol taps, displays, and storage areas
- Access to living quarters and/or neighboring businesses, indicating if their access is locked or sealed off
- If showing a staircase, indicate where it goes to and if there is a locking door
- Location and description of barriers separating lounge/bar/restricted areas, game rooms, etc. Barriers must be permanently attached and at least 42 inches high. Openings into these areas cannot be more than 10 feet wide. If minors are allowed on premise, you may not use a buddy/liquor bar as a barrier to separate the bar from the dining or game area.
- Location and description of demarcations that separate dedicated dining areas from areas classified as off-limits to minors. Demarcation options include:
- Visibly different and contrasting flooring
- Steps or ramps up or down
- Walls, half-walls, or 42 inch barriers, where entrances do not exceed 10feet in width
- Permanently affixed stanchions, pillars, or posts at least 6 inches wide and placed no more than 10 feet apart
- Stationary planters at least 6 inches wide and placed no more than 10 feet apart
- Permanently attached floor light or beacons placed no more than 10 feet apart
- Does NOT include: tape, paint, or stickers on floors, walls, or ceilings
Outside Seating
- Indicate where Outdoor Alcohol Service area is in relation to the liquor licensed premises. It must be in an enclosed area that is connected to the licensed premises and/or on the same property or parcel
- Outside service areas to include furniture
- Describe types of barriers used
- Barrier must be at least 42 inches high; may be decorative/non-permanent, i.e. a rope and stanchion or a planter, as long as the height requirement is met
- Does NOT include: tape, paint, or stickers on floors, walls, or ceilings
- All entrances and exits including a description of where they enter from; openings into this area may not exceed a total of 10 feet

Sidewalk Café
- Indicate sidewalk café area in relation to liquor licensed premises; may be connected to or directly across from the licensed premises but not on the same property or parcel
- Sidewalk cafés, including furniture
- Describe types of barriers used
- Barrier must be at least 42 inches high; may be decorative/non-permanent,(rope, , ,stanchion or a planter), as long as they are at least six inches in diameter and the height requirement is met
- Does NOT include: tape, paint, or stickers on floors, walls, or ceilings
- All entrances and exits including a description of where they enter from. Openings into this area may not be more than a total of 10 feet
- Barrier must be at least 42 inches high; may be decorative/non-permanent,(rope, , ,stanchion or a planter), as long as they are at least six inches in diameter and the height requirement is met

Non-Retail Site Plans
- North arrow indicator (true north)
- Location of all buildings on the premises (label your location)
- Location of public entrances (designate access such as street, alley, parking lot, and list street names)
- Location of public spaces, hallways, shared entries, entrances, exits, etc. Label/identify your location
- List of all other license holders at that location and their location within the premises
- Access to neighboring businesses
Retail Liquor License Floor Plan Requirements
Floor Plan Requirements Guidance
More detail on the bulleted items below is found in the "General" section above.
Beer/Wine Restaurant
- General Requirements
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
- Measured to scale
Beer/Wine Restaurant with a Tap Room
- General Requirements
- Barrier/Demarcations
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
- Measured to scale
Farmer’s Market Authorization/Endorsement
- North arrow indicator (showing true north)
- Labeled locations of both permanent and temporary structures, fire lanes, streets, alleys, fencing (indicating location of exits and gates)
- Locations of all booths, stalls, or other designated locations for selling bottled wine or beer
Grocery Stores (with Beer/Wine Tastings) and Spirits Retailers (with Spirit Tastings)
- General Requirements
- Barrier/Demarcations
- Aisles in store to give a general idea of the tasting area’s location in relation to the rest of the store
- Main floor only – Please do not send the other floors of the hotel
- General Requirements
- Barrier/Demarcations
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
- Kitchen layout with equipment (stove(s), refrigeration, sinks, etc.) only if on the MAIN floor. If the kitchen is on another floor; tell us which floor it is located on in your written description
- All areas on the MAIN floor where you intend to have liquor service must be labeled according to their use (dining, lounge, gaming, kitchen, restrooms, dance floor, etc.)
- Written description of all other areas on the hotel property where liquor will be sold and served (lobby, pool, patio, banquet rooms, grocery store, specialty shop, etc.) including the floor(s) these services are located on (three banquet rooms on the second floor, lounge area on the fifth floor, etc.)
Nightclubs (No Minors)
- General Requirements
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
- Measured to scale
Registered Central Warehousing
- General Requirements
- Indicate designated areas you will be storing product
- Show the physical barrier separating product purchased by different ownership structures (this is needed if the warehouse facility is shared with another business)
Senior Centers
- General Requirements
- Barrier/Demarcations
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
Snack Bars
- General Requirements
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
- Barriers (for Outside Seating only)
Special Occasions/Outdoor Events
A site map is required for all outdoor events where alcohol is served. All outdoor events must be held in an enclosed area. The site map can be hand-drawn, so long as the requirements listed below are all met. The site map should include the following:
- General Requirements
- Barrier/Demarcations
- Locations of tents or temporary structures, labeled to show their use and their dimensions
- Vendors, food trucks, merchandise areas
- Stage location and sizes
- Location and description of barriers for alcohol serving areas:
- Must be enclosed areas
- Barriers must be at least 42 inches high
- Openings into these areas cannot be more than 10 feet wide
- Barrier options do NOT include: tape, paint, or stickers on floors, walls, or ceilings
- Any other pertinent details about areas applicable for event
If you have further any questions regarding the site map, or Special Occasions, please call Licensing Customer Service at 360-664-1600 or email specialoccasions@lcb.wa.gov
Spirits, Beer, and Wine Restaurant (No Minors)
- General Requirements
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
- Measured to scale
Spirits, Beer, and Wine Restaurant with Service Bar
- General Requirements
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
- Measured to scale
Spirits, Beer, and Wine Restaurant with a Lounge
- General Requirements
- Barrier/Demarcations
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
- Measured to scale
Spirits, Beer, and Wine Restaurant with a Lounge – Convention Center
- General Requirements
- Barrier/Demarcations
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
- Measured to scale
- All rooms where liquor will be served. These rooms must be clearly labeled with names and /or numbers. A duplicate license will be issued for each of these areas. Please include a list of all alcohol service areas with the floor plans (duplicate licenses A, B and C or room 1, 2, and 3, etc.). There is a fee for each duplicate
Sports Entertainment Facility
Please refer to your Operating Plan Requirements for Floor Plan requirements
- General Requirements
- Outside Seating
- General Requirements
- Barrier/Demarcations
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
- All theater rooms/screens where liquor will be served. These rooms must be clearly labeled, including seating area(s)
Non-Retail Liquor License Requirements
Floor Plan Requirements Guidance
More detail on the bulleted items below is found in the "General" section above.
Bonded Wine Warehouse or Winery/Brewery Warehouse
- General Requirements
- Site Plans
- Area where alcohol product is stored
- Your designated area(s) in relation to other distributors/importers and indicate barriers (if applicable) and what type of barrier/wall is used
- General Requirements
- Barrier/Demarcations
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
- Site Plans
- Location of production, blending, and/or bottling equipment
- Tasting room
- Tax paid area (where product is sold at retail)
- Alternating Proprietorship Agreements: each licensee’s separate storage area
- General Requirements
- Barrier/Demarcations
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
- Site Plans
- Location of production, blending, and/or bottling equipment
- Tasting room
- Tax paid area (where product is sold at retail)
- Designated area where people under 21 are allowed to enter
- This may be a separate room or a designated area within the tasting room that is separated from the rest of the tasting room space
- Alternating Proprietorship Agreements: each licensee’s separate storage area
- General Requirements
- Site Plans
- Area where product is stored
- Your designated area(s) in relation to other distributors/importers and indicate barriers (if applicable) and what type of barrier/wall is used
- General Requirements
- Site Plans
- Location of blending and/or bottling equipment
Off-Site Spirits Tasting Room
- General Requirements
- Barrier/Demarcations
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
- Designated area where people under 21 are allowed to enter
- This may be a separate room or a designated area within the tasting room separated from the remainder of the tasting room space
- General Requirements
- Barrier/Demarcations
- Outside Seating (if applicable) and/or Outside Picnic/Park Area
- Site Plans
- Location of production, blending, and/or bottling equipment
- Tasting room
- Tax paid area (where product is sold at retail)
- Alternating Proprietorship Agreements: each licensee’s separate storage area
Winery Additional Location
- General Requirements
- Barrier/Demarcations
- Outside Seating (if applicable)
Cannabis License Floor Plan Requirements
Floor Plan Requirements
Floor plans are used to make sure that cannabis locations meet security and licensing requirements. Architectural plans are not required, but your drawings must be to scale, show grow space dimensions, processing area, and waste area (if applicable), and the location of the following items:
- All cameras and alarms including the coverage of the camera and the types of alarms (glass break, motion, etc.).
- Alarmed Entrance and exit points.
- All doors and windows (interior and exterior must show alarms).
- Controlled access area(s) – not open to the general public.
- Point of sale area(s).
- Secured surveillance system.
- Product displays/cases.
- Keys to explain your illustrations.
- Gate through fenced area - all gates require an alarm.
- North arrow direction indicator.
- For information on Photo Requirements for Floor Plans click here