Public Safety Laws
Public safety violations are considered the most serious as they present a direct threat to public safety. Public safety liquor laws fall into the following categories: violations involving minors
Driving and Traveling
Driving under the influence Never get behind the wheel if you have been using cannabis. It is illegal to drive under the influence of cannabis; and it is a safety risk. Using cannabis can cause
Underage Purchase, Possession, and Use
It is illegal for anyone under age 21 to buy, possess, or use cannabis. (There are exceptions for qualified medical patients. See the WA State Dept. of Health Medical Cannabis website for more
Tribal Lands
Most of Washington’s federally recognized, sovereign Tribal governments have established Tribal codes and laws governing the use and possession of cannabis on or within Tribal reservations and trust
Federal Implications
Cannabis remains illegal under federal law, where it’s still classified as a controlled substance. This difference between Washington and federal laws can lead to challenges in knowing how and where
What to Know
Parents, caregivers, and other trusted adults play an important role in helping youth and young adults think about the decisions they make now and in the future. Use of substances, including cannabis
What You Can Do
Talk to your youth Have regular conversations with your child. Resources to help you be more effective in these talks can be found at Start Talking Now and Talk. They Hear You. Websites directed at
Understanding THC concentration and potency
When people talk about the potency of cannabis, they are usually referring to the concentration of THC in a product. In Washington’s cannabis market, THC concentration must be listed on the label of a
Deciding What and How Much
Several factors can influence your experience with cannabis. For example, some people may experience a pleasant euphoria with cannabis, while others may find it increases their anxiety. The effects
Cannabis and Other Substances
Alcohol Alcohol and cannabis are two of the most commonly used drugs in the US, so it isn’t surprising that some people use them at the same time. However, using alcohol and cannabis together is not
Reducing Risks
Like other drugs, cannabis use has the potential for psychological and physical harm. While most cannabis users do not experience severe problems from use, there is no absolute safe level of cannabis
Safe Storage and Proper Disposal
If you keep cannabis and cannabis products in your home, take precautionary measures to store them safely, locked and out of reach of young people and pets. It is not enough to put products high on a