
Welcome to the new LCB Education resource library!

Our mission is to promote responsible consumption and enhance public understanding of alcohol and cannabis. We are dedicated to educating the community on the effects of these substances, providing accurate information, and supporting safe practices.

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Youth and Young Adults

Use of impairing substances, including cannabis, is of particular concern when it comes to adolescents and young adults due to the potential impact on brain development. The previously mentioned


Pregnancy or Breastfeeding Impacts

It is recommended that cannabis use be discontinued during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Physical evidence shows that THC can pass through the placenta from the mother to the unborn child. THC


Secondhand Smoke

Cannabis smoke contains many of the same cancer-causing chemicals as tobacco smoke. Burning any plant material releases toxic chemicals and fine particles that can go deep into the lungs. In addition


Use for Medical Purposes

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) oversees the state’s medical cannabis program. Conditions that qualify for obtaining medical cannabis authorization from a medical provider are listed


What Is Alcohol and Why Is It Regulated?

Alcohol is produced naturally by the fermentation of yeast, sugars, and starches found in grains, fruits, and vegetables. An additional process of evaporation and condensation is used to create


Alcohol’s Effect on Individuals

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) BAC is the amount of alcohol that is present in the bloodstream. For example, having a BAC of 0.10 percent means there is about one drop of alcohol for every 1,000


Levels of Drinking

Drinking in moderation According to the “Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture, adults of legal drinking age can


Alcohol and the Brain

It is good to understand how alcohol affects the brain and its functions: Alcohol is a depressant. The more you drink, the more specific parts of the brain are affected. The cerebrum controls


Health Risks - Short and Long Term

Alcohol has immediate effects on health. Some of these are: Alcohol can cause dehydration. Consuming alcohol decreases the body’s production of the anti-diuretic hormone, resulting in the body


Women and Alcohol

The CDC reports excessive alcohol use is linked to more than 43,000 deaths among women each year. Because alcohol affects women differently than men, there are unique health and safety risks when


Alcohol and Other Drugs

Using alcohol along with other drugs is unsafe because the effects may be stronger and more unpredictable than one drug alone, and possibly even deadly. The health risks include: Overdose Injury


Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)

"Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder" -National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol use disorder is a medical condition characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol