
Welcome to the new LCB Education resource library!

Our mission is to promote responsible consumption and enhance public understanding of alcohol and cannabis. We are dedicated to educating the community on the effects of these substances, providing accurate information, and supporting safe practices.

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Ways to Reduce Risks

Excessive drinking is linked to many health and behavioral problems. (To learn more, see Alcohol and Your Health.) Anyone can take steps to reduce these risks. Keep track of how much you drink. Know

Last Updated - 27/03/2024


Hosting Parties

Hosts are responsible for making sure an event is fun and safe. The best way to do this is through careful planning. If serving alcoholic beverages at a party, consider these steps to reduce risks and


Safe Storage

According to the 2018 Washington Healthy Youth Survey, of those students who reported getting alcohol in the past 30 days, 46% of 8th graders and 31% of 10th graders got it at home with, or without


Consumer Use and Safety

Information on cannabis use, THC concentration and potency, and consumption information by product type. Deciding What and How Much Several factors can influence your experience with cannabis. For

Alcohol and Motor Vehicle Use

Driving under the influence (DUI) refers to operating a motor vehicle while affected by alcohol, drugs, or both. Motor vehicle incidents involving drunk or drugged driving cost our state millions of

Last Updated - 08/03/2024


If You Are Under 21

Zero Tolerance Law In Washington State if you are under the age of 21, you don’t even have to be “buzzed” to be busted while driving. On your first offense with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of


Consumer Safety

Ways to Reduce Risk Excessive drinking is linked to many health and behavioral problems. (To learn more, see the Alcohol and Your Health) Anyone can take steps to reduce these risks. Hosting Parties


Understanding THC concentration and potency

When people talk about the potency of cannabis, they are usually referring to the concentration of THC in a product. In Washington’s cannabis market, THC concentration must be listed on the label of a product in milligrams of THC or as a THC percentage. Understanding concentration and potency is

Deciding What and How Much

Several factors can influence your experience with cannabis. For example, some people may experience a pleasant euphoria with cannabis, while others may find it increases their anxiety. The effects depend on the type and dose of the product, the person, and the environment or circumstances of use

Reducing Risks

Like other drugs, cannabis use has the potential for psychological and physical harm. While most cannabis users do not experience severe problems from use, there is no absolute safe level of cannabis use. It affects individuals differently based on each person’s characteristics, how it is used, and

Last Updated - 15/01/2025

Accidental Use (including for pets) and Overconsumption

Because cannabis products can look like non-cannabis edible products, accidental consumption is a risk, especially for young people and pets. This can result in cannabis toxicity or the need for emergency medical attention. If this happens or if someone has a bad reaction to cannabis, call 911 if it

Last Updated - 15/01/2025


Cannabis and Other Substances

Alcohol Alcohol and cannabis are two of the most commonly used drugs in the US, so it isn’t surprising that some people use them at the same time. However, using alcohol and cannabis together is not recommended because of the way they interact, significantly increasing the risk of adverse health