Policy Statements

Policy Statements are agency-level documents declaring plans or intentions of an agency. Policies are different from procedures, standard operating procedures, or guidance because they apply to the entire organization and are primarily intended to set direction. In contrast, procedures or guidelines typically include specific instructions used to accomplish defined tasks that may be described in a policy. 

Agencies are encouraged to advise the public of its current opinions, approaches, and likely courses of action by means of policy statements as described in RCW 34.05.230. Whenever an agency issues an interpretive or policy statement, it must submit a statement to the Washington State Code Reviser that describes the subject matter of the interpretive statement and includes the name of the person from whom a copy of the interpretive statement can be obtained. WSLCB has the discretion to amend, rescind or convert an interpretive statement.

Interested in asking that the agency convert a policy statement into rule? Please submit a petition to request conversion to InterpretiveStatement@lcb.wa.gov. Upon submission, the WSLCB will contact the Joint Administrative Rules Review Committee that the petition has been received. Within sixty days, WSLCB will make a decision about whether or not to initiate rule-making. If you do not agree with WSLCB’s decision, you may contact JAARC directly for next steps.

Don’t agree with a WSLCB policy statement? You can petition Joint Administrative Rules Review Committee directly and ask for review consistent with the requirements of RCW 34.05.655.

Policy statements are different from Board Interim Policies.

Current Policy Statements:
(Listing these as they are filed with the Code Reviser)

Withdrawn Policy Statements: