Air Quality and Odor Controls
In the State of Washington, regional air quality agencies and the Washington State Department of Ecology regulate air quality, based on the county. Because the production and processing of cannabis are sources of both odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can impact air quality and cause offsite nuisance, producers and processors are subject to air quality requirements. These requirements include, but are not limited to: air permits, registration program and fees. For more information, please visit the Department of Ecology website.
Cannabis producers and processors must obtain an air emissions permit from the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. They may also be subject to additional local, state and regional regulations and requirements with their own timelines and costs.
Please keep in mind the LCB is the agency responsible for licensing and regulating cannabis and cannot answer permitting questions. These resources are intended to help cannabis producers and processors be aware of local, state, and/or regional requirements they may need to meet. For additional questions or assistance, please contact the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency.