Accommodation Sales

An accommodation sale permit allows an individual or business to sell a private collection of wine or spirits to another individual or business.  A permit may be issued by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) to allow the sale of a private collection to a licensee, but may not be issued to a licensee to sell to a private individual or business.  Both the seller and buyer must be located in Washington State.  (RCW 66.20.010 (16))


  1. The seller completes form LIQ1289 Application for Accommodation Sale Permit at least five business days before the sale. Mail the form with a check for the $25.00 fee to:
    Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board
    Finance Division
    P.O. Box 43085
    Olympia, WA 98504-3085
  2. Once the WSLCB verifies the information on the application and receives the $25.00 fee, a permit for the sale will be issued to the seller.
  3. The seller must wait at least five business days after receiving the permit to release the wine and/or spirits collection to the buyer.
  4. Within twenty calendar days of the sale, the seller must complete form LIQ1290 Accommodation Sale Inventory Report and mail to:
    Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board
    Finance Division
    P.O. Box 43085
    Olympia, WA 98504-3085


  • Accommodation Sale – The sale of a private collection of wine or spirits to an individual or business.  Both the seller and buyer must be located in Washington State.
  • Buyer – The individual or business buying a private collection of wine or spirits.  A buyer may be a liquor licensee.
  • Private Collection – A privately owned collection of wine or spirits.  There is no minimum or maximum quantity to be considered a collection.
  • Seller – The individual or business selling a private collection of wine or spirits.  The seller cannot be a liquor licensee.


For any questions on the process, please contact or (360) 664-1677.

