Cannabis Licensee Education
Last Updated - 23/12/2024
Our mission is to promote responsible consumption and enhance public understanding of alcohol and cannabis. We are dedicated to educating the community on the effects of these substances, providing accurate information, and supporting safe practices.
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Use of impairing substances, including cannabis, is of particular concern when it comes to adolescents and young adults due to the potential impact on brain development. The previously mentioned
It is recommended that cannabis use be discontinued during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Physical evidence shows that THC can pass through the placenta from the mother to the unborn child. THC
Cannabis smoke contains many of the same cancer-causing chemicals as tobacco smoke. Burning any plant material releases toxic chemicals and fine particles that can go deep into the lungs. In addition
The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) oversees the state’s medical cannabis program. Conditions that qualify for obtaining medical cannabis authorization from a medical provider are listed
When cannabis was legalized for adult use in 2012 by voters (Initiative 502), the law included funding for a website that would have science-based information for the public. The website
What is Cannabis? Cannabis, also known as marijuana, weed, or pot, generally refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the cannabis plant (plant family Cannabaceae). ... read more
Information on cannabis use, THC concentration and potency, and consumption information by product type. Deciding What and How Much Several factors can influence your experience with cannabis. For
Short- and long-term health impacts based on age, type of use, pregnancy, medical use, and other factors that influence health outcomes from cannabis. Short-Term Effects of Cannabis Consumption The
Washington has many rules and laws governing the possession, use, and transportation of cannabis here and across state lines. This page gives details about complying with state laws. Using and Having
Washington is committed to keeping cannabis away from people under 21 years old. This section has information, proven strategies, and resources about preventing or delaying cannabis use among youth
Last Updated - 23/12/2024