Board Issues Emergency Suspension for Seattle’s “University Food and Beverage Market"

Board issues emergency suspension for Seattle’s “University Food and Beverage Market” after multiple sales of alcohol and cigarettes to minors

OLYMPIA –The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) on Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2023, issued an emergency suspension for University Food and Beverage Market, located at 4203 University Way NE, in Seattle’s University District after investigations found multiple violations of state law. The suspension is in effect for a period of 180 days, during which time the LCB will pursue permanent revocation.

The Board’s decision was based on the following facts: there have been, four verified sales of alcohol to people under age 21 and three violations of sales of cigarettes to people under age 21. There have been numerous LCB officer contacts where education was provided to the licensee and/or his employees, however, sales to underage customers continued. The LCB has received 15 complaints since Nov. 2021 from various sources alleging underaged sales of age-restricted products.

The Board determined that the pattern of state law violations presents a significant threat to the health and safety of the public and voted to issue an emergency suspension of the liquor license, and the cigarette, tobacco, and vapor product retail endorsements of University Food and Beverage Market.

The LCB educates licensees to reach and maintain compliance and enforces Washington’s liquor, cannabis, tobacco, and vapor laws and regulations. The LCB is mandated to ensure that licensees in Washington State follow state laws and regulations. When licensees fail to comply with state law, the Board, under state authority can take action including suspensions or revocations to ensure public health and safety.

Emergency suspensions represent an extraordinary exercise of the state’s power and the LCB is mandated to ensure that an emergency suspension is reasonable, justifiable, and legal.

For more information about the Liquor and Cannabis Board, visit