an unrolled line of light green raffle tickets

Raffle Permits


A raffle permit allows a bona fide nonprofit organization to raffle liquor to its members at a specified date and place.

  • Cost: $10 for a single event or $25 for an annual permit
  • Application available online or by calling (360) 664-1600
  • Return application and fee 30 days before the event to:
    • Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board
      Licensing and Regulation
      PO Box 3724
      Seattle, WA 98124-3724
  • Available to bona fide nonprofit organizations
  • Allows the raffle of bottles of liquor or baskets that include liquor
  • Tickets may only be sold to members of the nonprofit organization
  • Organizations may not sell more than $5,000 worth of raffle tickets in a calendar year
  • Alcohol must either be purchased at retail price or donated by a private citizen