
Welcome to the new LCB Education resource library!

Our mission is to promote responsible consumption and enhance public understanding of alcohol and cannabis. We are dedicated to educating the community on the effects of these substances, providing accurate information, and supporting safe practices.

Use the terms on the left-hand side to select what categories to filter by. If you are a licensee looking for educational resources, please visit our Enforcement Education pages or select "Enforcement" below to filter.

For more information on how to filter, click here

How to Filter Education Resources

By default, all the resources available are shown when you first navigate to this page.

  • Click on each of the the terms on the left-hand side of this page to select what categories or topics on which you would like to see information.
  • Clicking multiple filters will limit the results to pages which are tagged as all categories (i.e., clicking “cannabis” and “safety” will show all pages with both “cannabis” and “safety” tags).
  • Use the “clear all” link at the top to reset your results.
  • If you are looking for a specific page, you can use the site search bar in the top right-hand corner to find a certain resource.
Tobacco and Vapor

Enforcement Education

Enforcement Education Program The Enforcement and Education Division has an Education Program dedicated to providing educational resources to licensees and other stakeholders. If you need information on topics like advertising, compliance, or best practices for your licensed business, this team is a
Tobacco and Vapor

Tobacco and Vapor Licensee Education

Discontinued Sales of Products Containing THC by Businesses that Do Not Hold a Cannabis License The recent passage of E2SSB 5367 has generated questions pertaining to retail sales of products with detectable amounts of THC. This guide describes what is prohibited to be sold by a business that does
Tobacco and Vapor

Vapor Information for Cannabis Licensees

Executive Order On Sept. 27, 2019, Gov. Inslee issued Executive Order 19-03. This order directs the Liquor and Cannabis (LCB) and the Department of Health (Health) to immediately take certain actions to protect public health. Action Required Disclosure Requirements. Cannabis licensees must disclose