Liquor Control Board announces specific dates for issuing draft recreational marijuana rules

Timeline adjusted to account for last-minute public input

OLYMPIA – The Washington State Liquor Control Board (WSLCB) today issued dates for filing its recreational marijuana draft rules. The current timeline does not list specific dates. Instead, it notes milestones as falling early, middle or late in a given month for the remainder of 2013.


  • June 19, 2013             Board work session on proposed rules (schedule will be posted here soon);
  • July 3, 2013                Board files official draft rules (CR 102) with the state Code Reviser;
  • August 7, 2013           Public hearing on draft rules;
  • August 14, 2013         Board adopts rules;
  • September 14, 2013   Effective date for rules; and
  • September 14, 2013   WSLCB begins accepting applications for all license types.

Today is the deadline for collecting public input on its first cut of draft rules that were released on May 16, 2013. While the initial written comments on the rules were relatively light, the agency received extensive written comment over the weekend and throughout the day from public and private organizations.

“In keeping with our goal of an open and transparent process for drafting the rules, we’re going to take an additional two weeks to consider the last-minute input we’ve received,” said WSLCB Director Rick Garza. “The Board was prepared to issue the rules on June 19. However, it’s our responsibility to carefully review and consider the comments we received.”

The WSLCB is drafting the rules that, together with Colorado, will govern the world’s only comprehensive systems of growing, processing and retailing marijuana for recreational use.


