Board Issues Emergency License Suspension for Vancouver’s “Sunny Market” for Multiple Sales of Tobacco, Vapor Products and Alcohol to Minors

OLYMPIA, WA --The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) Thursday, October 20, issued an emergency suspension for Vancouver’s Sunny Market in Vancouver after investigations found multiple violations of state and federal laws.

Sunny Market

  • Address:  NE 3303 Minnehaha St. Suite A, Vancouver, Washington
  • Endorsements: Cigarette Retailer; Grocery Store – Beer/Wine License; Tobacco Retailer, Vapor Product Retailer

According to supporting documents of the Board’s final order, since initial licensure in Dec. 2021, there have been, “five public safety violations of sales of age-restricted products to a person under age 21. These include cigarettes, vapor products and alcohol.  There have been numerous officer contacts where education has been provided to the licensee and/or his employees, however, compliance with age verification is poor.”  The LCB has also received nine complaints since March 2022 from various sources alleging sales of alcohol, tobacco, and vapor being sold to minors.

Sunny Market’s licenses will remain suspended for a period of 180 days, during which the LCB will pursue permanent revocation. 

The LCB educates licensees to reach compliance and enforce Washington’s liquor, cannabis and tobacco / vapor laws and regulations. The LCB is mandated to ensure that licensees in Washington State follow state laws and regulations. When licensees fail to comply with state law, the Board, under state authority can take action including the issuance of suspensions to ensure public health and safety. Emergency suspensions represent an extraordinary exercise of the state’s power and the LCB is mandated to ensure that an emergency suspension is reasonable, justifiable and legal.

More information about Liquor and Cannabis Board can be found at 



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