Agencies announce timeline for drafting recommendations on medical marijuana

Recommendations due to Legislature by January 1, 2014  


OLYMPIA – The three state agencies responsible for drafting recommendations to the Legislature on medical marijuana today published their timeline and announced a process for the public to provide written comment. The public may provide written comment at

Section 141 of the state operating budget directs the Liquor Control Board to work with the departments of Revenue and Health to develop recommendations to the Legislature regarding the interaction of medical marijuana and the emerging recreational marijuana system. The workgroup, which includes senior staff from each agency, has been meeting since July.

Date (2013) Milestone
October 21  Provide draft recommendations to stakeholders for comment
November 8  Deadline for written comments
November 21-22  Present draft recommendations to appropriate House and Senate
committees at Legislative Assembly Days
January 1, 2014  Deadline for delivering final recommendations to the Legislature

For more information about the current state of medical marijuana, please visit the WSLCB website at or the Department of Health website at