Board accepts petition to open rule-making on extended hours of alcohol service
Request made by the City of Seattle.
October 12, 2011
The Washington State Liquor Control Board (WSLCB) today agreed to the City of Seattle’s request to open rule-making regarding hours of alcohol service. Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn and the Seattle City Council formally petitioned the Board to open the rule-making process. The Board had until October 24, 2011 to respond to the city’s request.
Under Washington Administrative Code 314-11-070, liquor sales are prohibited between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Mayor McGinn and the Seattle City Council are seeking a new section that would allow local governments to petition the WSLCB to establish extended hours of alcohol service within local jurisdictions.
Rule-making is a public process. The Board will be seeking input from the public, law enforcement, city officials and others as it considers revising the rule.
Additional documents, including the City of Seattle petition, the tentative timeline for rule-making, and the Board’s response to Mayor McGinn are posted below.
Liquor Control Board documents
- Letter from the Board to Mayor Mike McGinn
- Board approval to initiate rule-making process (with tentative timeline)
- Issue paper
City of Seattle documents