Underage Purchase, Possession, and Use


cannabis universal caution symbolIt is illegal for anyone under age 21 to buy, possess, or use cannabis. (There are exceptions for qualified medical patients. See the WA State Dept. of Health Medical Cannabis website for more information.)

Retail stores can lose their license for selling cannabis to someone under 21 years old. Adults who provide (sell or gift) cannabis to someone under 21 years old may face civil or criminal penalties.

Anyone under age 21 caught trying to buy, carry, sell, or use cannabis can face a ‘minor in possession’ charge. This can result in fines, community service, education, intervention, loss of a driver’s license, and/or misdemeanor or felony charges. These charges can have a lasting impact, such as denial of federal financial aid for college.

Students caught with cannabis at school may be charged with breaking the law, be referred for substance use counseling, be kicked off sports teams, or be suspended or expelled. Disciplinary actions vary by school or school district.

Sources include WA State Licensing (DOL) Official Site: Minor in possession and MIP Laws | Washington State