Applying for a Cannabis Alteration

The LCB has simplified the process for cannabis licensees to alter or change their current floor plans. Minor changes that do not require a full investigation will be handled by customer service alterations staff. Changes that require a full investigation will be sent to the Cannabis Unit for processing.

Reasons your application may be sent to the Cannabis Unit for a full investigation include changes to your operating plan, using an outside source of funds for costs over $1,000, changes to your lease, and updates to extractions or products.

To apply for a cannabis alteration, please send the application, along with a copy of your proposed floor plan, to There is no application fee for Alterations.

An application is not required for changes that have little to no cost and do not alter or change the current floor plan or operating plan on file with LCB. Examples of changes that do not require an application include:

  • Moving a table
  • Adding ATMs

If you have questions about alterations or if an application is required, please contact us at (360) 664-1600 or